Get to know the face behind
Mainly Coaching
I believe that throughout life we are given lessons and those lessons help us determine our life's purpose. When we find our life's purpose we have a sense of peace knowing what we are designed to do.
I knew that I would not be in telecom sales forever, I desired to have a greater impact on people. I enjoyed the challenges that sales brought and I loved meeting new people and helping them design solutions for their business, but, I knew something was missing. After spending years feeling "stuck" I reached out to my life coach, Amy.
Amy helped guide me and I started exploring different aspects of my life including faith, career development and personal development. It was during this time that I started taking the time to learn. I would listen to podcasts, TED talks, Tony Robbins, Mel Robbins, Jay Shetty, and read books on different subjects to gain knowledge and new perspectives. I really enjoyed learning and applying new concepts to my life. I was beginning to make progress. During one of my last coaching sessions with Amy, she looked at me and asked "have you thought about doing life coaching?" It was in that moment, I realized my life's purpose. Sharing my experiences, knowledge and passion with others to help them overcome obstacles and reach their goals.
When I began exploring becoming a coach, I starting by designing a blog about single-parenting, divorce and dating, things I knew very well. I enjoyed writing and sharing some of my experiences, but, I realized that I was missing the dialogue with others. It is one thing to share my stories, but, I wanted to do more than share, I wanted to help. I knew I needed to take my experiences and further my skills and that is when I enrolled in the Jay Shetty Certification School and became a Certified Life Coach. Being able to take my passion of helping others and combining them with my knowledge and life experiences is my dream that has come true.
I believe that together we can achieve great things - I look forward to working with you.
Karen Nadeau
Owner of Mainly Coaching
Jay Shetty Certified Coach
Certified Life Strategies Coach
Certified Relationship Coach