Are you feeling blue, struggling with finding peace in your day, frustrated that things don't seem to be going your way? If you are in a funk and want to get out of it - try this...
We all have those days when we are just not feeling it. It could be lack of motivation, focus, love, etc. that is making us not feel like ourselves. We are in a funk. This is your mind telling you that you need to stop, take a deep breath and redirect yourself.
“You don't need a new day to start over, you only need a new mindset.” - Hazel Hira Ozbek
Just breathe. Breathe in and count to 3 and exhale and count to 3. Relax your shoulders, close your eyes, and breathe in, count to 3 and exhale, count to 3. Repeat this 2 more times. You should start to feel some of the stress leave your body. Once you are feeling a bit more centered here are some great ways to help you get out of your funk.
One of the most common ways to get out of a funk is to exercise. You may be rolling your eyes right now, but, I'm not suggesting you lace up your sneakers and run a marathon. Depending on your fitness level, it could be as simple as doing a few stretches (pilates/yoga), going for a 10 minute walk, taking an aerobics class or maybe going for a jog.
When we exercise we release endorphins that enhance our mood.
Get Outside
If the weather is beautiful, get outside. Taking in fresh air and sunlight can almost instantly improve your mood. I know here in Maine that our winter season is LONG. That first day after a cold winter that the sun is shining and starting to melt the snow it's like an energy comes over me and I can't wait to get outside. Studies have shown that just 10 minutes a day outside in the sunlight helps increase our Vitamin D which has been proven to enhance your mood.
Help Others
Volunteer. Do a good deed. Help a neighbor. We often get a sense of satisfaction when doing something to help someone else in need. The best part of helping others is that not only do we benefit, but, it also benefits the people we are helping and the good vibrations continue to those around us. Have you ever been through a coffee drive through and when you go to pay you are told that the person in front of you already paid for you. It's an amazing way to start your day. I know that it isn't even the fact that my coffee is free, it's the fact that you get the reminder of the good people in the world and that brings a smile to my face. Go ahead and try it - buy someone a coffee and see how good it feels to know you brought a smile to their face.
Gratitude Journal
If you don't already have a gratitude journal, I highly recommend getting one. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a notebook that you can keep near your bedside along with a pen. Every morning that you wake up take 5 minutes to write the things you are grateful for - it could be as simple as the fact that you woke up, that you have a bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, food to eat, etc. It is your gratitude journal so you get to decide what you put into it. Once you start filling it out each morning, the days that you are not feeling like yourself take the opportunity to read through some of your entries. The reminder of everything you are grateful for is likely to enhance your mood and motivate you to find even more things to be grateful for.
These are just a few ways to help get you out of a "funk" and I hope that you will find them to be beneficial.