Do you want a better relationship? Learn your partners love language and develop a stronger connection.
Lack of communication is one of the leading causes of failed relationships. Gary Chapman discovered that everybody has a love language. In his book, The 5 Love Languages, he goes into detail about the five different love languages and how you can develop better relationships when you learn to communicate using their love language.
“Love is a choice.” - Gary Chapman
On a daily basis we are faced with challenges and we have a choice on how we react to those challenges. For example, have you ever woken up late and needed to rush out the door? Do you remember the feeling when you saw the time and you realized you were late, the state of panic you were in, possibly your heart racing, anger building? Leaping out of bed to get ready and everything you touch just seems to go wrong? What if instead of leaping out of bed in that moment that you realized you were late, you sat up, put your feet on the floor, took a deep breathe and reminded yourself that although you are running late that the rest of the day is going to be great. Would that choice have changed your mood throughout your day, would you have taken control of the situation and had a better overall day? I think so. By making a choice on how we react to challenges we are able to be more in control of our emotions. This applies to Love - you have a choice every day on how you can best love someone.
Choosing Love
Relationships will have challenges. How we choose to react and love through the challenges will determine whether we strengthen or weaken our relationships. Understanding our partners love language can help us to better communicate and build a healthier and stronger relationship.
According to Gary Chapman the 5 love languages are: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch. Truly understanding each of these love languages and how to apply them with our partners will open the lines of communication and help to avoid conflict. When we choose love, we choose to be unselfish, we choose to love our partner not how we want to be loved but by how they need to be loved. If both partners practice this, the result will be a more harmonious relationship. Unselfish love is the best kind of love.
To understand "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman in more detail I recommend purchasing the book by clicking here.